Mikalyn Brown

Describe your job search process. What were some challenges you faced or things you learned from the experience?

As I was nearing graduation, I started to look for full time job opportunities related to my major, but was kind of at a standstill. Some challenges, I faced going that route was not having the experience that was required. Therefore, I started to look in other directions.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your job offer, what were they? How did they support your application process?

As a senior, I enrolled into SDS 3340, Introduction to Career Development. This was a very helpful class, especially being a senior and being really close to ending my college career and stepping into the real world. In this class, I learned how to create a resume and successful tips to ace a job interview.

Have you participated in any experiential learning opportunities (Internships, volunteer experiences, research, leadership roles, military experience, etc.)? How have these prepared you for moving into a full-time role?

I did not participate in any experiential learning opportunities such as internships or volunteer experiences, however I did work full time throughout my college career. Where I worked actually become the place where I received full time employment after graduation. During college, I was an hourly associate with Waffle House, but following graduation I was brought into management. Working as both a full time hourly associate and a full time college student taught me the value of time management.

What advice do you have for current students that will be launching a full-time professional job search?

My advice to students that will be launching a full-time professional job search is to keep their options open. Yes, you may want a job in your field, but sometimes it does not happen right out of college. Expand the horizons of your job search and check out different companies, do your research, and you may like what you find.

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Mikalyn Brown

"Working as both a full time hourly associate and a full time college student taught me the value of time management."

Major: International Affairs, Class of 2016
Company/Organization: Waffle House

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/mikalyn-brown-516b1ba1