Gian Bruno

Describe the steps you took to obtain your internship.

My internship at the Casey Foundation was achieved through persistence and hard work. I received many, many, and many rejections from various sites until I finally landed my current opportunity. I just followed my motto: stay persistent and achieve your goals; the rejections got to my mind many times, but I stayed strong and was determined to find this opportunity. My days would consist of searching LinkedIn and consistently applying, eventually, that phone call or email arrives!

How far in advance did you prepare and begin applying for your experiential learning opportunity?

December 2022. I knew this was gonna be a long search and decided to start early, finally, in April 2023 I found it.

Describe some of your responsibilities or duties during your experiential learning opportunity.

As an External Affairs Intern at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, my main responsibilities involved supporting the foundation's communications efforts. I helped create and edit content for press releases, newsletters, and social media to spread the word about the organization's important initiatives and accomplishments. It was a fantastic opportunity for me to collaborate with media contacts, participate in event planning, conduct research, and engage with external partners, all while contributing to the foundation's mission of improving the lives of disadvantaged children and families. I was excited about this internship as it provided me with valuable hands-on experience in the field of communications and philanthropy, allowing me to make a meaningful impact on the lives of vulnerable youth.

What was a typical day like "on the job?"

Very casual! The foundation maintained its hybrid work setting post-COVID and I was told it boosted the productivity of the teams. My typical day would contain meetings, working on my summer projects, assisting my boss (The vice president of the External Affairs unit), shading, and chatting with my coworkers since the foundation emphasizes the effort to promote unity between its employees.

What are some major takeaways from your experience? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?

My experience as an External Affairs Intern at the Annie E. Casey Foundation provided me with improved communication, networking, research skills, and a deeper understanding of philanthropy. These takeaways will help prepare me for my next step after graduation, aligning my passion for making a positive impact in the nonprofit sector or related fields.

Did this experience help clarify your career path? If yes, how so?

It did incredibly, it exposed me to the philanthropy and foundations field which is where I would like to direct my career ahead of my graduation.

Gian Bruno

Gian Bruno

"[This experience] exposed me to the philanthropy and foundations field which is where I would like to direct my career ahead of my graduation."

Majors: Political Science & International Affairs
Current Position: External Affairs Intern with The Annie E. Casey Foundation