Isabella Mastrini

Describe your job search process. What were some challenges you faced or things you learned from the experience?

I found this job because our president, vice chairman, and CEO, Sammie Dixion, was a guest speaker for Dr. Calhoun's personal finance course. He spoke about himself and the bank and mentioned that they were hiring. The interview process was relatively easy, even though I was nervous. I learned that next time I interview with a company, I should put more effort into researching the company beforehand. Beyond just going to their website!

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your part-time job, what were they? How did they support your application process?

I used the Career Center to check my resume before applying. I quickly scheduled a meeting on Zoom, and they provided me with helpful feedback.

What are some takeaways from your part-time job? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?

This experience gave me insight into my career path. I learned that I am interested in the banking industry and enjoy applying what I have learned in classes to real life. At Prime Meridian Bank, they teach us about different departments at the bank. Learning so much has shown me that I do not prefer retail but something more behind the scenes.

What advice do you have for students currently launching a part-time job search?

Remember, you are interviewing your employer, too! Ask questions and place the proper value on your time!

Isabella Mastrini

Isabella Mastrini

"Remember, you are interviewing your employer, too! Ask questions and place the proper value on your time!"

Major: Economics
Opportunity: Part-Time Employment at Prime Meridian Bank