Jada Ellis

Describe your job search process. What were some challenges you faced or things you learned from the experience?

My job search process was moderate in length and challenging in several ways. It was challenging to find a job that met the criteria of being on campus, part-time, flexible scheduling, and interesting to me. Something I learned from the experience is that it is important to search for a job that actually interests me because it affects my mental health and work performance. 

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your part-time job, what were they? How did they support your application process? 

I used the ProfessioNole Ready modules to prepare for obtaining my part-time job. I took advantage of the resume services, interview preparation services, and the ProfessioNole Clothing Closet. These services supported my application process by improving my image as a potential employee.

What are some takeaways from your part-time job? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?

Some takeaways from my part-time job are that I enjoy working in an office setting, and that organizational and interpersonal skills are extremely important. These will prepare me for my next step after graduation by giving me an idea of the work setting I should look for and encouraging me to focus on improving my organizational and interpersonal skills. 

What advice do you have for students currently launching a part-time job search?

My advice to students launching a part-time job search is to maintain your standards, be patient, and take advantage of the resources The Career Center offers. 

Jada Ellis

"My advice to students launching a part-time job search is to maintain your standards, be patient, and take advantage of the resources The Career Center offers."

Major: Human Development & Family Science
Position: Part-time at Florida State University