Paige Perez

Describe the steps you took to obtain your internship/research opportunity/fellowship.

Through a thorough application process, I applied to the Student Internship Program through the U.S. Department of State website on USAJOBS.

How far in advance did you prepare and begin applying for your experiential learning opportunity?

I applied a semester before the internship.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your internship, what were they? How did they support your application process?

I utilized the Career Center to review and improve my resume prior to application submission. They were a great help!

Describe some of your responsibilities or duties during your experiential learning opportunity.

I had a variety of responsibilities during the duration of my internship. I attended networking events, assisted in writing cables, performed congressional research, acted as the note taker for meetings, and assisted with any other tasks needed by my colleagues.

What was a typical day like "on the job?"

Every day is different! I went into the office eight hours a day and carried out a variety of tasks to support my office's current needs. I filled my schedule with as many meetings, conferences, panels, and events as possible to gain experience, network, and learn.

What are some major takeaways from your experience? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?

I learned a lot about the different aspects of diplomacy and how the government works throughout the entirety of my internship, as well as the importance of passion and drive in the workplace. I was surrounded by various public servants extremely dedicated to the U.S. Department of State's mission of promoting and protecting U.S. security, prosperity, and democratic values. It inspired my passion for international development and foreign affairs even further which will help me prepare for success in my future career of diplomacy.

Did this experience help clarify your career path? If yes, how so?

This experience absolutely helped clarify my career path. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who also have a deep commitment to public service was inspiring and motivating. This internship guided me in the right direction of where I fit best in terms of shaping foreign policy.

Paige Perez

Paige Perez

"Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who also have a deep commitment to public service was inspiring and motivating."

Major: Criminology
Opportunity: Internship with the U.S. Department of State