Sarah E. Barlow

Describe your job search process. What were some challenges you faced or things you learned from the experience?

My job search process was simply looking through job websites like Indeed to find what I was looking for. Some challenges I've faced are finding a job that checks off all my boxes. Going through the job search experience gave me insight on future job searches.

If you used any Career Center services, resources, or events to obtain your part-time job, what were they? How did they support your application process?

I used the Career Center and my advisor many times and eventually gained an internship out of it. I also took a Career class that furthered my knowledge of how to do a successful job search.

What are some takeaways from your part-time job? How will these help prepare you for the next step after graduation?

My takeaways are how to stay organized and on-time on things. I've also learned a lot about customer service and how to work hard. I think this will prepare me for future endeavors as all these qualities and skills make up a good employee no matter where you work.

What advice do you have for students currently launching a part-time job search?

Don't sell yourself short and make sure to look at all your opportunities. Use your skills and experience to find something that will help you grow.

Sarah E. Barlowe

Sarah E. Barlow

"Don't sell yourself short and make sure to look at all your opportunities. Use your skills and experience to find something that will help you grow."

Major: Commercial Music
Opportunity: Securing Part-Time Employment